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Dr. Eric with a quick #fyifriday discussing the 2018 #dirtydozen.

FYIFriday: The 2018 Dirty Dozen:

#dreric with a quick #fyifriday discussing the 2018 #dirtydozen. Please, whenever possible, buy these 12 fruits & vegetables #organically grown:

strawberries🍓 spinach🍃 nectarines🍑 apples🍎 grapes🍇 peaches🍑 cherries🍒 pears🍐 tomatoes🍅 celery💚potatoes🥔 bell peppers❤️ . When bought conventionally, these items contain the highest amount of #pesticide, #herbicide, & #fungicide of any #produce available. These chemicals are #carcinogens #hormonedisruptors & #neurotoxins and can can cause a myriad of health be safe and do your best to avoid them when possible 😉

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