FYI Friday: Wrist PainFYI Friday: Wrist PainCarpal Tunnel Syndrome, or Median Nerve Compression, although common, is not the only diagnosis. Here's Dr. Eric with a few tips for wrist pain management. #santamonicahealingarts #DrEric #smha #wristpain #carpaltunnelsyndrome #mediannervecompression #ulnarnervecompression #muscularrelease #triggerpointtherapy #massage #chiropractic #acupuncture #ultrasound
FYI Friday: Wrist PainCarpal Tunnel Syndrome, or Median Nerve Compression, although common, is not the only diagnosis. Here's Dr. Eric with a few tips for wrist pain management. #santamonicahealingarts #DrEric #smha #wristpain #carpaltunnelsyndrome #mediannervecompression #ulnarnervecompression #muscularrelease #triggerpointtherapy #massage #chiropractic #acupuncture #ultrasound